Monday, September 25, 2006

thought of the day

wHatever YOU can do,
or THINK you can DO,

Friday, September 22, 2006

She was a cat.

Now she's taking it easy amongst clouds in kitty heaven.

To be very honest, it is a little sad that she had to go this way.... however, i won't bother with all the if's, but's and could have's, i will not blame anyone, not even the driver who hit her. Netiher will i blame myself nor my friend who helped me look after her. Death is a process of life and while she may only be a cat, i value her as much as the people who have gone before me.

This episode reminds me of something we all know all this while: That life is short. That life is unpredictable. While you may not be killed in an accident, you can be removed from existence just as easily by some disease. Would you have looked back on your life and think "yes, i've done things i've want to do" or "shit, i've made all this money, now what?" can get you the best doctors and medical attention, but what if you've caught something like... HIV? Then what? It may buy you a bit more time, but that time is spent in misery.
Money has always, and will still take back-seat in my life, unless it's in line with what i want to do in life. Sure, i'd love to have lots of it, but i also will not allow it to cloud my thinking or my principals or let it stop me from doing what makes me happy.

I know some of you may think i'm over reacting, Tash may be just bloody road-kill, or that a cat's life has zero economical/productive value as compared to a human life. For those of you who think this way, I would like to offer you a middle finger and a simple "FUCK YOU", in it's full glory. The cat does show emotions. She is capable of expressing feelings like fear, regret and love. She can show me more love than most of my ex girlfriends can.
I'm not practicing double standards. I know i am a carnivore. But my principal is that i will not eat any animal that i have had a personal interaction with.

So Tash, i know you may not read very well, even more so now. But i hope you've had a good time with me....and your short term friend B.B..... i know you probably didn't understand Korean, and you ate her body lotion....and watermelon seeds....i know that some of my friends are frightened of you... i know you chewed up two of my very expensive earphones, destroyed an expensive tie, destroyed my bed and kicked cat litter all over my room....but it's all cool.

Perhaps someone up there decided that blood must be shed for certain things i've done. Perhaps you've taken the place of some ill fate that I would otherwise have suffered.

But goodbye for now, and mew hello to the two other people i know. Cause like you, they left me with hardly a goodbye.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Be in peace Tash.

Rest well. And as a mark of respect, i will not be posting anything for a while.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Romeo and Juliet : My version

But, soft! what accordion through yonder hacienda bequeaths?
It is the icon, and Juliet is the pregnancy.
outweigh, fair vacation, and summary the magnificent belfry,
Who is already perfume and ice with puppet,
That thou her tyro art far more scrawny than she:
Be not her earnings, since she is adorable;
Her robust flat is but overrated and rhythm
And none but yards do hear it; emit it off.
It is my lady, O, it is my writer!
O, that she knew she were!
She razes yet she ridicules nothing: what of that?
Her perdition discourses; I will blame it.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

i REALLY have a massive headache!

...and i almost died of alcohol intoxication at that.

A couple of us decided that this shit beer and wine here isn't going to do anyone any harm. So we thought, sod this, let's down this bottle of weird alcohol - distilled from horses milk (yes, you read right). Half an hour later, everyone had a rough time dragging their sorry asses out my door.

I guarantee you, i never felt worse in my life. This hangover lasted me all the way till sunday morning.

My stomach still feels weak and my nostrils seem to have the intoxicating scent of the spirit lingering at the back of the nose, giving me that noxious, nauseating feeling...urgh.

NEVER am i going to do this again. If i had another drop more, I would've already been sharing the bed with the anti-christ.

Now let's get on to more cheery stuff. I can feel it in the air...... the cold temperatures are beginning to peek-a-boo every now and then. Last afternoon was a comfortable temperature. This morning at 9am it felt like 22 degrees everywhere! Yes, it'll get hot again later....but this can only mean one thing.... autumn is on her way! woo woo! and then after that.... winter!! my most favourite season!

But enough of that, let's get on to even more cheery stuff.....


And i am very. very. very. impressed.

The minute i took it out of the box, the only words i could express were nothing but "WOW" and "it can do that?!?!". Truely, the Macintosh must have been designed by a team of tech-nerds and arty-farty types.

For starters, it is FAST. How long does it take for Windows to boot up? 30 seconds? 40? ...what about the Mac? From the time you press the power-on, till you hear the "BING" .... 2 seconds. I didn't even feel anything load! No sound from the hard disk!

The dispaly quality? Magic. 3D rendering is beautiful and re-draws in graphics sfotware is almost immediate!

Asthetically? Everything from the software to the hardware has been crafted with fine skill. Drop shadows, highlights, crisp fonts.... magnets to clip the power cord and display in place. The machine is crafted in pure, virgin white. This is THE sexiest computer i have ever owned!

You know when in windows (notice the drop in capitalization and loss of respect for the "w" in "windows") you change your settings, you would have to reboot the system or click the "apply/ok" button to realize your changes? Not for the Mac.

Even the technical manuals are written compasionately for humans, not some arcane techno-jargon.

You can even imagine my horror when the guy at the shop told me he'd sell me windows at a lower rate. idiots. excuse me while i get back to my Mac.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Funny signs part 1

I can't help it! Some of these signs are just so funny! Really, some things are best left untranslated.....

(stress the civilization? i always knew the Chinese were up to something fishy.....)

(Any other form of graffiti, air-brush or road-kill is fine.)

(A hotline for tourist rescuing? What do they do to the tourists up there?)

(Translating is best left to the professionals.)

(Only in China, could such a sign be displayed in such grandiose)

Friday, September 01, 2006

i am psycho bunny

i am psycho bunny. i hopped into benjamin's room. i stomped him with powerful feet. i pulled his ears. i dragged his mangled body outside for my progney to play with. you no fool with bunnies! ever! let this be warning!