Wednesday, March 21, 2007


You know what they said about eating your greens?

Well, I just had an annoying little ulcer in my mouth a few days back and I was reading around on the internet what causes it and how to eradicate it. Since I was a kid, I was plagued by ulcers that typically last for about two weeks. Yes, two agonizing weeks.

So then I came across a few articles about combating ulcers. It turns out that the consumption of garlic and broccoli increases the level of some freako-chemical in your body that starves the development of ulcers and (even) tumors. It kills this bacteria called the Helio-Bactorwhatever and the chemicals cause the development of naturally occurring anti-bodies to wipe it out even in hard to reach areas like your smaller intestine. So you can think of it as a kind of gastro-pesticide. Even lab developed anti-biotics can't do the same job as this chemical secretion can (or rather, they can't do it as effectively).

Very interesting. So after 3 dinners of my good 'ol magic salad, voila! My ulcer disappeared! The more interesting thing is, while two thirds of my factory is hit by a (yet another) wave of flu, I had nary a sneeze!

So if you've got an ulcer, try this recipe:

A handful of broccoli,
A whole onion, ringed,
Two cloves of garlic, diced,
Cherry tomatoes, lots of,
Tear a few leaves of cabbage
Half a can of tuna
And, only if you can stomach it, some ginger slices

Remember, cook NOTHING! Don't even boil it. Just wash it and chuck it in a big bowl.

As for the dressing you can choose from one of these two:

Ben's lemon cream:
Mix mayonnaise, a few drops of lemon juice, a few tablespoons of honey and some mustard in a bowl.


The Woodford dressing
Mix olive oil, balsamic vinegar, soy sauce and a few drops of sesame oil in a bowl.



Gracie said...

dude, raw broccoli?

Dunno Who said...

Good ah!

Nice and crunchy.... try raw carrot next time...kekeke...