Thursday, March 15, 2007

pointless thoughts

已经在中国有十个月了。 有什么思想呢? 也不错,着几个月学来的华文字,虽然不多,可是也比以前的水尊好。如过在努力下去,我相信一定能考的上一个 “O" level 的华文文凭。

I'm still steady on my focus; that is to beef up my Chinese and Korean. I'm now also going to add in a Project Management certificate to my repertoire. That's the only way to increase a salary, skills, constant training and constant education. A degree is not a good idea in this country. And I'm not really to keen to take an on-line degree.

I want to move somewhere exotic, at least to live in for a year at least. But having that said, it really isn't about the goal. It's about the journey. And I'm enjoying every bit of it.

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