Sunday, December 19, 2004

We make party!

Oh no, oh no!! My stint at Syon Park is drawing to an end!! Although i'll be glad to be rid of enduring kegs of beer, chairs and glasses on my back, i think it'll be kinda sad to split from this happy bunch of people i worked with, especially when you know that you'll probably never run into these friends ever again in your life... ah well, only fate can tell!!

Anything eventful last night? Let's see.... a guy fainted and smashed into the bar and blacked out a bit, there was a fight, a woman got so drunk she scant made it out of the door... same old, same old...
Sometimes i think i'm a little hard of hearing, this bloke came up to me and asked me to "pour some Coke in it"...and i heard it as "pour some coconut"....blah...and when I served someone a glass of vodka, he asked me for "the same again"....and i heard "a San Miguel", and bloody served him a bottle...ah well, at least big laughs = tips...haha...

I'll be going to Belgium next week! I had the EuroStar (international train from U.K to Europe) tickets booked this morning. Can't wait to see my european cousin and uncle!!

Oh, and here's a bad joke to end it all off :

What milk do invisible cats drink?

....evaporated milk...


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