Thursday, June 21, 2012

Today is the 21st of June :)

My car broke down earlier.

The battery went flat and the car wouldn't crank to life. Peacefully and calmly, I called up the servicing agents - they said they'll come within half an hour and they did. A new battery was plonked in and I was on my way.

That's how we should handle all problems in life really - peacefully, calmly: take it on. Help and solutions will turn situations around and you'll be on your way.

Enroute, one faces traffic congestion. One faces careless drivers who have no regard for your safety. There will be green lights, red lights and to make decision making challenging; amber lights. There will be signs telling you what you should do, what you must do. There may be strangers who give you unqualified directions. Roads can be bumpy, roads can be rocky... sometimes traffic can be so smooth you can't believe your luck.

That's pretty much how living is like.

Today I inch another year forward in my journey of life - I'm pretty satisfied with what I'm doing. Of course there are decisions I wish I hadn't made, things I wish I didn't do and people I wish I never met. Nay... but, I cannot eliminate all misfortune in daily living, neither is it in my agenda to do so. I believe in integration and embrace. But on the whole, I'm pretty pleased. And I look forward to more good years ahead, more good years to spend much more good time with all of you, and you :)

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