Tuesday, February 22, 2005

There's no such band as The Monkees!! They don't exist!!

Heavy snow showers are reported all over England, especially Essex where I live! We've got about 8cm of snowfall last night! Which is all well and good, except for the fact that it's an arse to try to walk to work in the slushy snow/ice mix. The squirrels don't seem to mind it though... heheheheh....

There's a snow boarding event in Austria in March that some of you guys would be so jealous if i told you i was going. It's a music gig cum snowboarding freestyle competition/display for a week! I may want to visit it for the week end, it's only about $200 from where I am...now if i could just get my hands on a snowboard set... check it out, it's at: www.snowbomb.com or www.snowbombing.com

And then there's the U2 Europe tour! I'm thinking of either Manchester or Brussels, although Brussels would be a better idea cause i can stay with my cousin for a bit.

Other than all that, the week has been pretty good. Getting settled down at work, learning as much as I can about the products and trying to pull together an aggressive marketing plan that's poised to take Europe by storm. If i can pull that off...heh,heh... my name WILL go down in history!

But for now, I gotta deal with this hunger developing in the darkest recesses of my stomach.


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