Tuesday, August 21, 2007
bored and frozen
The place: Hooilart, Overijse, Brussels
Why? : I'm stuck because i can't get back to the UK
Note to self: Never. ever. enter another country without an on-going ticket. To those of you who think this is very funny, well, it's not. It's inconvenient to the max, I have to travel halfway around the planet to get my visa. And I have a refusal stamp in my passport that won't go away. I need to get a new passport now because i'm going to get grief from border control each time i cross immigration. And i'm even more pissed off because it is of no fault of mine.
But all that aside, I love europe. Firstly, sure, they pay more tax. But at least the welfare is visible. So what if i'm paying 40 percent taxes and 21 percent VAT? I know that i can rely on someone to help should something go wrong. On top of that i get a good healthy environment where people are not so uptight and more friendly on the whole.
So we pay less taxes in singapore? My dad is on a wheelchair, i tried to look for help and no governemnt department is interested. And if you fall sick, sure it's cheap, but you still have to pay, and if you don't pay, you're screwed. So what if we pay less taxes? It all turns around and nips you in the butt somewhere.
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Thursday, June 14, 2007
A sobering thought
It is a sobering thought that the survival of some of the largest corporations in the world ultimately depends squarely upon the persuasive tongues of a handful of men and women working for them.
Even more bewildering than that, the average sales person exposes themselves to the dangers of getting business for about 20% of their working day.
The only real tools the salesperson has are their words and actions. They use words to gain businesses. They use words to loose businesses.
Astounding isn't it?
Even more bewildering than that, the average sales person exposes themselves to the dangers of getting business for about 20% of their working day.
The only real tools the salesperson has are their words and actions. They use words to gain businesses. They use words to loose businesses.
Astounding isn't it?
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Game Console Season
Look at these statistics here:
During the month of April 2007, this is how these consoles fared (in Nothern America):
Nintendo DS - 471,000
Nintendo Wii - 360,000
Playstation 2 - 194,000
Playstation Portable - 183,000
Xbox 360 - 174,000
Gameboy Advance - 84,000
Playstation 3 - 82,000
GameCube - 13,000
Do you even believe your tits?! Playstation is barely trying to stay afloat in the consoles department! According to industry news, Playstation 3 is facing problems in trying to sell even 100,000 units a month!
It's quite gutsy of Nintendo to launch it's wii at a time when Sony and Microsoft are busy killing each other in the markets. Shrewd as they are, they have also underestimated their selling prowess and thus leading to a problem with supply. But who can blame them, it's better to be cautious than to have an oversupply and have stock sitting in your supply chains.
Some also say that there are just too few games to be had on the playstation. And i do believe that's what you want to do when you buy a game console - to play games. In fact, looking at the figures, you can see that the Playstation 2 (yes! 2!!) is actually outselling the Playstation 3! Now how can that even be remotely possible? Blame it on the games.
On the whole, Sony is still selling well. The PS2 and the PSP continues to be it's cash cow and it feeds a market that is already tired of an electronics market that's Microsoft everything.
And that is the problem that i foresee with the Xbox. Not the games, not the console, not the technology. The very brand of Microsoft is the deadweight that could be dragging it's sales. A quick survey: What do you think of when you think of Microsoft Games? I don't know about you, but the first thing that comes to mind is "Flight Simulator" and "Age of Empires". And i also can't get Word, Excel, Powerpoint and Windows out of my head. The word "microsoft" is just too serious to be related to anything fun. Perhaps some serious brand disassociation would do well to boost the Xbox's sales.
My buddy Rimbo pointed out another opportunity for Nintendo: "...technical prowess, combined with the low cost of development for the Wii.....will show a huge opportunity to develop games for the Wii that isn't being exploited yet by the big development houses. For the price of one triple-A title for the Xbox 360 or Playstation 3, a studio could develop 3 Wii games and because of the huge Wii installed base, anyone of them has a better chance of selling than a big-budget Xbox/Playstation offering".
Enough said.
I'm spending my money on a hoover instead.
During the month of April 2007, this is how these consoles fared (in Nothern America):
Nintendo DS - 471,000
Nintendo Wii - 360,000
Playstation 2 - 194,000
Playstation Portable - 183,000
Xbox 360 - 174,000
Gameboy Advance - 84,000
Playstation 3 - 82,000
GameCube - 13,000
Do you even believe your tits?! Playstation is barely trying to stay afloat in the consoles department! According to industry news, Playstation 3 is facing problems in trying to sell even 100,000 units a month!
It's quite gutsy of Nintendo to launch it's wii at a time when Sony and Microsoft are busy killing each other in the markets. Shrewd as they are, they have also underestimated their selling prowess and thus leading to a problem with supply. But who can blame them, it's better to be cautious than to have an oversupply and have stock sitting in your supply chains.
Some also say that there are just too few games to be had on the playstation. And i do believe that's what you want to do when you buy a game console - to play games. In fact, looking at the figures, you can see that the Playstation 2 (yes! 2!!) is actually outselling the Playstation 3! Now how can that even be remotely possible? Blame it on the games.
On the whole, Sony is still selling well. The PS2 and the PSP continues to be it's cash cow and it feeds a market that is already tired of an electronics market that's Microsoft everything.
And that is the problem that i foresee with the Xbox. Not the games, not the console, not the technology. The very brand of Microsoft is the deadweight that could be dragging it's sales. A quick survey: What do you think of when you think of Microsoft Games? I don't know about you, but the first thing that comes to mind is "Flight Simulator" and "Age of Empires". And i also can't get Word, Excel, Powerpoint and Windows out of my head. The word "microsoft" is just too serious to be related to anything fun. Perhaps some serious brand disassociation would do well to boost the Xbox's sales.
My buddy Rimbo pointed out another opportunity for Nintendo: "...technical prowess, combined with the low cost of development for the Wii.....will show a huge opportunity to develop games for the Wii that isn't being exploited yet by the big development houses. For the price of one triple-A title for the Xbox 360 or Playstation 3, a studio could develop 3 Wii games and because of the huge Wii installed base, anyone of them has a better chance of selling than a big-budget Xbox/Playstation offering".
Enough said.
I'm spending my money on a hoover instead.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
For Pieter:
"...if you go to bed with an itchy arse, you will wake up with a smelly finger." - my uncle on skunk
Note to self:
Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent. Genius will not; unrewarded genius is almost a proverb. Education will not; the world is full of educated derelicts. Persistence and determination alone are omnipotent. The slogan 'press on' has solved and always will solve the problems of the human race.' -- Calvin Coolidge
goodbye china!
And thus we move again. Out of China this time and back the to the UK...
More information about what I’m up to in the UK when the time is right.
32 more days before I leave, my boss freaked out when I handed him the resignation letter. Ah well, what can I say... I mean I like china, but there are always better things in life to look forward to. Call me what you will, itchy feet, irresponsible, a man who can’t grow up to settle down. But hey, I’m getting a lot more out of life than you, you and you over there! I was reading Channel News Asia last evening and that was enough to reassure me of what I’m doing. I really don’t want to have my life reduced to movies, Saturday night clubbing, mindless complaining and then a few years after, leaving the planet in a Singapore Casket funeral.
So what are my thoughts about China? My opinions are really just very surface. Not even if a person has been here 10 years, you can never say that you know China well. Sure, on one hand they may be rude, unhygienic, self centred, untrusting and very casual, but hey! Singapore was exactly like this not too long ago too!
On a business perspective, I’m still not too sure about dealing with a real local Chinese firm. Their work is far too casual and quality control is almost lacking. But that really is because that’s what their society is all about. The motivation for working is propelled by money, not passion and that can be very dangerous.
It is a society that is driven by effort, not results. A factory girl working 24 hours and producing little results is praised more than the one that does her regular hours but has helped in identifying production flaws and increased productivity. Then again, it’s not fair to just say that China practices this very bad culture. It is something that is commonplace all throughout Asia. Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore... people in these places all believe in working hard, pointlessly. I am very disagreeable with this habit. I mean, if you see a colleague working like a mad hamster, you would feel compelled to stay at your desk too! And what are both of you doing all this time? Well, writing blogs off-line can be one. MSN could be another. Even if you have your work open on the screen, you could be just poking around and not doing any real work. So what is the point really?
Now, what if you had a system, that gets you in trouble if results are not produced, and required you to get off work at 6pm everyday? Think that’s a stupid idea? Not at all, it’s actually a new policy that’s practiced by foreign companies setup in Asia and it draws results better than never before. If you must work overtime, do it alone, do it at home. In a modern workforce, work is very portable and there really is no real reason why you must do it in the office anyway. At least not after office hours.
Argh, sorry mates. My thoughts are straying all over the place. A Tuesday morning after a bad breakfast and strong coffee doesn’t really make for conducive thinking.
More information about what I’m up to in the UK when the time is right.
32 more days before I leave, my boss freaked out when I handed him the resignation letter. Ah well, what can I say... I mean I like china, but there are always better things in life to look forward to. Call me what you will, itchy feet, irresponsible, a man who can’t grow up to settle down. But hey, I’m getting a lot more out of life than you, you and you over there! I was reading Channel News Asia last evening and that was enough to reassure me of what I’m doing. I really don’t want to have my life reduced to movies, Saturday night clubbing, mindless complaining and then a few years after, leaving the planet in a Singapore Casket funeral.
So what are my thoughts about China? My opinions are really just very surface. Not even if a person has been here 10 years, you can never say that you know China well. Sure, on one hand they may be rude, unhygienic, self centred, untrusting and very casual, but hey! Singapore was exactly like this not too long ago too!
On a business perspective, I’m still not too sure about dealing with a real local Chinese firm. Their work is far too casual and quality control is almost lacking. But that really is because that’s what their society is all about. The motivation for working is propelled by money, not passion and that can be very dangerous.
It is a society that is driven by effort, not results. A factory girl working 24 hours and producing little results is praised more than the one that does her regular hours but has helped in identifying production flaws and increased productivity. Then again, it’s not fair to just say that China practices this very bad culture. It is something that is commonplace all throughout Asia. Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore... people in these places all believe in working hard, pointlessly. I am very disagreeable with this habit. I mean, if you see a colleague working like a mad hamster, you would feel compelled to stay at your desk too! And what are both of you doing all this time? Well, writing blogs off-line can be one. MSN could be another. Even if you have your work open on the screen, you could be just poking around and not doing any real work. So what is the point really?
Now, what if you had a system, that gets you in trouble if results are not produced, and required you to get off work at 6pm everyday? Think that’s a stupid idea? Not at all, it’s actually a new policy that’s practiced by foreign companies setup in Asia and it draws results better than never before. If you must work overtime, do it alone, do it at home. In a modern workforce, work is very portable and there really is no real reason why you must do it in the office anyway. At least not after office hours.
Argh, sorry mates. My thoughts are straying all over the place. A Tuesday morning after a bad breakfast and strong coffee doesn’t really make for conducive thinking.
Friday, May 11, 2007
Monday, May 07, 2007
Thursday, May 03, 2007
communist propaganda art
actually, communism propaganda art is quite cool. after trying to re-create this last night, I can understand why the hype caught on so well. it’s not the art entirely that won the battle though, the whole idea of communism is supposed to be the way forward for mankind in the future.
But the whole concept has a fundamental flaw: human greed and selfishness.
Communism is not a bad or evil thing, that’s what your history and social conditioning would like you to think. If communism had it’s way, there would be no global warming, no mindless capitalisation, far less crimes, no need for prostitution (damn), no murders committed in the name of religion. The world would be simpler, people would be helping one another and mankind would live the way God intended it to be – to live peacefully and to take care of the planet without mischief.
Ah. But that is a perfect world, a dream world. Now let’s talk about reality. In reality, we all want things. We want our Ferraris, our golf memberships, our sexy ladies swooning over us, our men to splurge money on us, our iPods and our pretty clothes. Abolishment of private property? Not with our greedy human nature, no way. In the real world, central planning becomes dictatorship. Communal work runs into laziness. Oh well....
But the whole concept has a fundamental flaw: human greed and selfishness.
Communism is not a bad or evil thing, that’s what your history and social conditioning would like you to think. If communism had it’s way, there would be no global warming, no mindless capitalisation, far less crimes, no need for prostitution (damn), no murders committed in the name of religion. The world would be simpler, people would be helping one another and mankind would live the way God intended it to be – to live peacefully and to take care of the planet without mischief.
Ah. But that is a perfect world, a dream world. Now let’s talk about reality. In reality, we all want things. We want our Ferraris, our golf memberships, our sexy ladies swooning over us, our men to splurge money on us, our iPods and our pretty clothes. Abolishment of private property? Not with our greedy human nature, no way. In the real world, central planning becomes dictatorship. Communal work runs into laziness. Oh well....

Monday, April 30, 2007
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
There are monsters in my room.
There are monsters in my room.
They are there. And they are watching.
They sit, silently each evening, watching you as you go about your routine.
Since the beginning of time they have been revered as the frightful beasts of the night.
Their glistening black bodies quiver in preparation for the ritual nightly feast.
An evil sight they are. With their vampire swiftness, they circle you, studying you...
Just before sinking their fangs into the depth of your veins, draining the life out of you.
The traditional tools don’t work anymore. Neither garlic, nor crosses nor holy water this time.
Now, they are hungry and they must feed.
They morph out of the waters, their young need no instruction for the kill.
Their lust for blood is fed by an eternal hunger. Your warm living body thrills them.
Yes, they sit there resting their skinny legs, waiting for the right moment to strike their prey.
And while you are paralysed with sleep, they dive down....
First 2 of them. Then 3. And 5. Circling your warm body, searching for the veins.
And all at once, their fangs sink beneath your skin, extracting the metallic smelling blood from out of you....
Mosquito season is back.
They are there. And they are watching.
They sit, silently each evening, watching you as you go about your routine.
Since the beginning of time they have been revered as the frightful beasts of the night.
Their glistening black bodies quiver in preparation for the ritual nightly feast.
An evil sight they are. With their vampire swiftness, they circle you, studying you...
Just before sinking their fangs into the depth of your veins, draining the life out of you.
The traditional tools don’t work anymore. Neither garlic, nor crosses nor holy water this time.
Now, they are hungry and they must feed.
They morph out of the waters, their young need no instruction for the kill.
Their lust for blood is fed by an eternal hunger. Your warm living body thrills them.
Yes, they sit there resting their skinny legs, waiting for the right moment to strike their prey.
And while you are paralysed with sleep, they dive down....
First 2 of them. Then 3. And 5. Circling your warm body, searching for the veins.
And all at once, their fangs sink beneath your skin, extracting the metallic smelling blood from out of you....
Mosquito season is back.
Friday, April 20, 2007
this is a notebook.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
just another day....
说道这点,希望你别错怪了我,当然如过赚钱是你的兴趣,那你继续吧。。。 我在谈的是关于那些平个老命,出卖自己的原则,不了解社世的方向,然后一天到晚在 “哭爸哭妈” (pardon me, I know that's not a chinese phrase) 的抱怨自己的生命有多没意识。那你不是自找的吗? 那为什么你不看开点呢?球是在你的手上,你喜欢往那一个方向走,有你的事。我们做朋友的,因该互相鼓鼓励,别吧自己本来不了解的事批评。
今天老板在开会,没人烦我做东做西,所以有那么一点时间来写着些废话。其实华文很无聊, 好好的二十六个英文字,他妈的,现在要去背到几十万个华文字出来!你不觉的无聊吗? 为什么以前的中国皇帝不将这些字做个调整呢?你看韩国,发明个简单语言那不久得了吗?开玩笑开玩笑。。。
你决的中国的地质名很奇怪吗?什么。。白云区啦。。。开发区啦。。人民桥啦。。。。青年路啦。。。 哈,哈。。。有时我觉得我还没寺观着个地方。。。很有趣。。。
说道这点,希望你别错怪了我,当然如过赚钱是你的兴趣,那你继续吧。。。 我在谈的是关于那些平个老命,出卖自己的原则,不了解社世的方向,然后一天到晚在 “哭爸哭妈” (pardon me, I know that's not a chinese phrase) 的抱怨自己的生命有多没意识。那你不是自找的吗? 那为什么你不看开点呢?球是在你的手上,你喜欢往那一个方向走,有你的事。我们做朋友的,因该互相鼓鼓励,别吧自己本来不了解的事批评。
今天老板在开会,没人烦我做东做西,所以有那么一点时间来写着些废话。其实华文很无聊, 好好的二十六个英文字,他妈的,现在要去背到几十万个华文字出来!你不觉的无聊吗? 为什么以前的中国皇帝不将这些字做个调整呢?你看韩国,发明个简单语言那不久得了吗?开玩笑开玩笑。。。
你决的中国的地质名很奇怪吗?什么。。白云区啦。。。开发区啦。。人民桥啦。。。。青年路啦。。。 哈,哈。。。有时我觉得我还没寺观着个地方。。。很有趣。。。
Monday, April 16, 2007
Since I started my first day at school, I have been failing my chinese tests and examinations at primary one to secondary four. I hated the language and I don't see the point in learning it (I STILL don't see the point in learning it, but that's another story).
There was only once, in Primary 4 that I have passed the examinations at with a grade "C" mark (or 55 out of a hundred), for the sole reason that I liked the teacher and the teacher believed in me. Pity I can't remember her name now, but I still remember how she looks...and smells. That was in 1990.
I have not used chinese ever since, I have refused to use it, hate it, resent it and thus my skills are reduced to only constructing simple sentences with writing and reading skills of just about nothing at all. (In fact I would not listen to chinese music or watch it's movies or programs for fear that it would corrupt my english).
It is the year 2007, 6 months ago, my chinese vocabulary was limited to: 你,我,他,是,不,有,要,鸟,毛,猫,狗,门,们,鱼,雨 and probably about 10 or 20 other words more。Oh, and the numbers 1 to ten (well, technically 1 to 9,999 becaue I don't know how to number then after 10,000)
Two months later, in June I will be taking my "A" level oral examinations and the written examinations at the end of the year. I am working full time and my day starts at 8am in the morning and ends at 7pm in the evening. After which I have personal work to do and meetings to plan for the next day.
Like everyone else in the world, i have "no time" for all this.
Do you think I'll make it?
There was only once, in Primary 4 that I have passed the examinations at with a grade "C" mark (or 55 out of a hundred), for the sole reason that I liked the teacher and the teacher believed in me. Pity I can't remember her name now, but I still remember how she looks...and smells. That was in 1990.
I have not used chinese ever since, I have refused to use it, hate it, resent it and thus my skills are reduced to only constructing simple sentences with writing and reading skills of just about nothing at all. (In fact I would not listen to chinese music or watch it's movies or programs for fear that it would corrupt my english).
It is the year 2007, 6 months ago, my chinese vocabulary was limited to: 你,我,他,是,不,有,要,鸟,毛,猫,狗,门,们,鱼,雨 and probably about 10 or 20 other words more。Oh, and the numbers 1 to ten (well, technically 1 to 9,999 becaue I don't know how to number then after 10,000)
Two months later, in June I will be taking my "A" level oral examinations and the written examinations at the end of the year. I am working full time and my day starts at 8am in the morning and ends at 7pm in the evening. After which I have personal work to do and meetings to plan for the next day.
Like everyone else in the world, i have "no time" for all this.
Do you think I'll make it?
Friday, April 13, 2007
Singapore's Busineticians
Ben: I have since withdrawn my views stated below, please have a read on: http://fivestarsandamoon.blogspot.sg/2011/03/another-discussion-about-ministers-pay.html regarding this.
A country is not a business and it ought not to be run that way. A country is home, memories, family and life for millions of people. A country is about freedom and living - be you poor, rich or whatever your status. A country ought not to make money for itself, but rather keep a healthy economy for businesses who are interested to do so.
Singapore better continue to be in profit for the rest of eternity, cause if there is any reduction in wages in the future, however little, money will then most definately have to come in from other sources to patch up the void it has left. It's called "self-fulfilling prophecy".
It's an amazing PR stunt. Singapore raises the salary of minsters to amongst the world's highest.
So in a nutshell, how did they justify it?
- To prevent corruption
- To attract top talents
- They deserve it.
So my question:
- Where are your morals then? It's like giving a thief more money to stop him from robbing. What about the values and principles of a human? What about corruption that is not motivated by money, like fame, lust and greed? Or just perversion? It seems like they're telling us something - we have a government with no morals that must be given money to prevent them sourcing money from other ventures. How sad.
- The salary is a little ludicrous isn't it? There is "high salary" and then there is "stratospheric salary". Are attracting people who's only value in life and motivation is money? I sure do not want someone like that running a democracy.
- Again, Singapore is a small country. But it is not the smallest and it is not the smallest nor is it the most successful of the smallest. So their excuse of "we did a good job" can go take a hike. Singapore is run by a society of people who have an inherent culture of perfecting themselves. Without the collective efforts of a people who want to improve their country, your government's efforts will also be futile. Look around the world, it's evident.
So they did a good job. Compared to what? And how can you compare? We're a society evolved through different environments, histories and ideals. You can't compare singapore with Malaysia, Indonesia or even Africa. If you want to do that, then the government can also be doing a bad job as compared to other countries, regardless of size!
Do you really think it's a good job? Look around you and listen as well. If you travel and are open to comments of foreigners, how many times have you heard that singaporeans are gutless, spineless, void of creativity and unpassionate? Is it not because our policies have made us this way? And we now even think it is good to be like so?
But what really pisses me off is the fact that all this money can be used to develop so many areas of society that will ultimately benefit south east asia.
What about things like:
- building closer ties with other SEA countries?
- education and awareness on medical, environment and society? We are so in need of teaching our citizens to live like the humans they are!
- the hopeless, the needy, the sick and the lonely?
- what about human rights, values and principals?
So at the end of it all, we're taught that money is the center of our lives. If the economy in East Timor overtakes us, we all should move our loyalty there.
No wonder people are such cowards these days, we are all hypnotized by the lure of cash that everything else on the planet, things that make us human are all numb to our senses.
And it is governments like singapore's that caused it. Authoritarians under the guise of democracy. Countries run by businessmen politicians, the busine-titians.
A country is not a business and it ought not to be run that way. A country is home, memories, family and life for millions of people. A country is about freedom and living - be you poor, rich or whatever your status. A country ought not to make money for itself, but rather keep a healthy economy for businesses who are interested to do so.
Singapore better continue to be in profit for the rest of eternity, cause if there is any reduction in wages in the future, however little, money will then most definately have to come in from other sources to patch up the void it has left. It's called "self-fulfilling prophecy".
It's an amazing PR stunt. Singapore raises the salary of minsters to amongst the world's highest.
So in a nutshell, how did they justify it?
- To prevent corruption
- To attract top talents
- They deserve it.
So my question:
- Where are your morals then? It's like giving a thief more money to stop him from robbing. What about the values and principles of a human? What about corruption that is not motivated by money, like fame, lust and greed? Or just perversion? It seems like they're telling us something - we have a government with no morals that must be given money to prevent them sourcing money from other ventures. How sad.
- The salary is a little ludicrous isn't it? There is "high salary" and then there is "stratospheric salary". Are attracting people who's only value in life and motivation is money? I sure do not want someone like that running a democracy.
- Again, Singapore is a small country. But it is not the smallest and it is not the smallest nor is it the most successful of the smallest. So their excuse of "we did a good job" can go take a hike. Singapore is run by a society of people who have an inherent culture of perfecting themselves. Without the collective efforts of a people who want to improve their country, your government's efforts will also be futile. Look around the world, it's evident.
So they did a good job. Compared to what? And how can you compare? We're a society evolved through different environments, histories and ideals. You can't compare singapore with Malaysia, Indonesia or even Africa. If you want to do that, then the government can also be doing a bad job as compared to other countries, regardless of size!
Do you really think it's a good job? Look around you and listen as well. If you travel and are open to comments of foreigners, how many times have you heard that singaporeans are gutless, spineless, void of creativity and unpassionate? Is it not because our policies have made us this way? And we now even think it is good to be like so?
But what really pisses me off is the fact that all this money can be used to develop so many areas of society that will ultimately benefit south east asia.
What about things like:
- building closer ties with other SEA countries?
- education and awareness on medical, environment and society? We are so in need of teaching our citizens to live like the humans they are!
- the hopeless, the needy, the sick and the lonely?
- what about human rights, values and principals?
So at the end of it all, we're taught that money is the center of our lives. If the economy in East Timor overtakes us, we all should move our loyalty there.
No wonder people are such cowards these days, we are all hypnotized by the lure of cash that everything else on the planet, things that make us human are all numb to our senses.
And it is governments like singapore's that caused it. Authoritarians under the guise of democracy. Countries run by businessmen politicians, the busine-titians.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Bad news
(I have since had an "update" of political views, please go to www.fivestarsandamoon.com for further reading)
Oh my god! The Minister Mentor just called the Denmark, Swiss and Finnish Governments "mediocre governments"!! My my, i can hear protests from my desk now!
Honestly speaking though, do high salaries equate quality people? Me thinks not. Just look at my boss. Ha. Or myself. Hahahhaha....
SINGAPORE : Opposition MP Low Thia Khiang questioned the need for such high salaries for ministers and top civil servants to prevent corruption.
He said Singapore ranked below Finland, Denmark and Switzerland, in a UN report on how corrupt a country is, but these countries pay their top civil servants less than Singapore.
This had Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew on his feet and challenging his statements.
"Does he realise that Singapore's GDP is only one-third of its external trade? Our external trade is 3 1/2 times that of our GDP, higher than Hong Kong. And if this economy ever falters, that's the end of Singapore and its First World status. Denmark, Switzerland and Finland are part of Europe. You can fail and you're still caught in the European situation. If you fail here, you go back to a Southeast Asian situation. Just look around you," said MM Lee.
"So is the Minister Mentor saying that without paying such a high salary, we are bound to fail? And even if we pay top earners' salary, can the present government bring Singapore up to superpower (status), as what he has mentioned for those in Denmark?" challenged Mr Low, MP for Hougang.
"I am putting a simple question and asking for his clarification. He has compared Singapore as if it were Denmark, Finland or Switzerland. Their systems and governments never produced the kind of transformation that we have, and their system and government have a broader base and can afford a mediocre government," said the Minister Mentor. - CNA /ls
Oh my god! The Minister Mentor just called the Denmark, Swiss and Finnish Governments "mediocre governments"!! My my, i can hear protests from my desk now!
Honestly speaking though, do high salaries equate quality people? Me thinks not. Just look at my boss. Ha. Or myself. Hahahhaha....
SINGAPORE : Opposition MP Low Thia Khiang questioned the need for such high salaries for ministers and top civil servants to prevent corruption.
He said Singapore ranked below Finland, Denmark and Switzerland, in a UN report on how corrupt a country is, but these countries pay their top civil servants less than Singapore.
This had Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew on his feet and challenging his statements.
"Does he realise that Singapore's GDP is only one-third of its external trade? Our external trade is 3 1/2 times that of our GDP, higher than Hong Kong. And if this economy ever falters, that's the end of Singapore and its First World status. Denmark, Switzerland and Finland are part of Europe. You can fail and you're still caught in the European situation. If you fail here, you go back to a Southeast Asian situation. Just look around you," said MM Lee.
"So is the Minister Mentor saying that without paying such a high salary, we are bound to fail? And even if we pay top earners' salary, can the present government bring Singapore up to superpower (status), as what he has mentioned for those in Denmark?" challenged Mr Low, MP for Hougang.
"I am putting a simple question and asking for his clarification. He has compared Singapore as if it were Denmark, Finland or Switzerland. Their systems and governments never produced the kind of transformation that we have, and their system and government have a broader base and can afford a mediocre government," said the Minister Mentor. - CNA /ls
Friday, April 06, 2007
i was looking for a paperweight......
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
really random
At least if i fall, i can still stand up and said i tried to climb the tree.
I think it's time to move on.
"A man must expand his horizons, he cannot always stay in china", she says.
And how right she is. But wither shall I go? What shall I do? Ha, ha. I don't know and that's what makes my life interesting - nothing stays the same for long. I will not have anything less. Irresponsible, I hear some of you say? Yeah, but compared to what? And towards what? Those of you who live within the boundaries of your fear are being even more irresponsible towards your life. The Lord did tell us to invest our lives and multiply what good we were given...not to keep our things in a safe place while allowing it to devalue.
So - it's time to take this adventure, this search for treasure and romance to a new land and leave the worries of yesteryear buried in the past.
Anyone knows of someone who wants to hire in the Middle East?
I think it's time to move on.
"A man must expand his horizons, he cannot always stay in china", she says.
And how right she is. But wither shall I go? What shall I do? Ha, ha. I don't know and that's what makes my life interesting - nothing stays the same for long. I will not have anything less. Irresponsible, I hear some of you say? Yeah, but compared to what? And towards what? Those of you who live within the boundaries of your fear are being even more irresponsible towards your life. The Lord did tell us to invest our lives and multiply what good we were given...not to keep our things in a safe place while allowing it to devalue.
So - it's time to take this adventure, this search for treasure and romance to a new land and leave the worries of yesteryear buried in the past.
Anyone knows of someone who wants to hire in the Middle East?
Monday, April 02, 2007
A very merry monday
Things that I will not look at the same way again:
- dispensaries
- mutton satay
- cocktails
- motel customer service
And just a bit of advice for the unbelievers - it's good to be cynful.
- dispensaries
- mutton satay
- cocktails
- motel customer service
And just a bit of advice for the unbelievers - it's good to be cynful.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
You know what they said about eating your greens?
Well, I just had an annoying little ulcer in my mouth a few days back and I was reading around on the internet what causes it and how to eradicate it. Since I was a kid, I was plagued by ulcers that typically last for about two weeks. Yes, two agonizing weeks.
So then I came across a few articles about combating ulcers. It turns out that the consumption of garlic and broccoli increases the level of some freako-chemical in your body that starves the development of ulcers and (even) tumors. It kills this bacteria called the Helio-Bactorwhatever and the chemicals cause the development of naturally occurring anti-bodies to wipe it out even in hard to reach areas like your smaller intestine. So you can think of it as a kind of gastro-pesticide. Even lab developed anti-biotics can't do the same job as this chemical secretion can (or rather, they can't do it as effectively).
Very interesting. So after 3 dinners of my good 'ol magic salad, voila! My ulcer disappeared! The more interesting thing is, while two thirds of my factory is hit by a (yet another) wave of flu, I had nary a sneeze!
So if you've got an ulcer, try this recipe:
A handful of broccoli,
A whole onion, ringed,
Two cloves of garlic, diced,
Cherry tomatoes, lots of,
Tear a few leaves of cabbage
Half a can of tuna
And, only if you can stomach it, some ginger slices
Remember, cook NOTHING! Don't even boil it. Just wash it and chuck it in a big bowl.
As for the dressing you can choose from one of these two:
Ben's lemon cream:
Mix mayonnaise, a few drops of lemon juice, a few tablespoons of honey and some mustard in a bowl.
The Woodford dressing
Mix olive oil, balsamic vinegar, soy sauce and a few drops of sesame oil in a bowl.
Well, I just had an annoying little ulcer in my mouth a few days back and I was reading around on the internet what causes it and how to eradicate it. Since I was a kid, I was plagued by ulcers that typically last for about two weeks. Yes, two agonizing weeks.
So then I came across a few articles about combating ulcers. It turns out that the consumption of garlic and broccoli increases the level of some freako-chemical in your body that starves the development of ulcers and (even) tumors. It kills this bacteria called the Helio-Bactorwhatever and the chemicals cause the development of naturally occurring anti-bodies to wipe it out even in hard to reach areas like your smaller intestine. So you can think of it as a kind of gastro-pesticide. Even lab developed anti-biotics can't do the same job as this chemical secretion can (or rather, they can't do it as effectively).
Very interesting. So after 3 dinners of my good 'ol magic salad, voila! My ulcer disappeared! The more interesting thing is, while two thirds of my factory is hit by a (yet another) wave of flu, I had nary a sneeze!
So if you've got an ulcer, try this recipe:
A handful of broccoli,
A whole onion, ringed,
Two cloves of garlic, diced,
Cherry tomatoes, lots of,
Tear a few leaves of cabbage
Half a can of tuna
And, only if you can stomach it, some ginger slices
Remember, cook NOTHING! Don't even boil it. Just wash it and chuck it in a big bowl.
As for the dressing you can choose from one of these two:
Ben's lemon cream:
Mix mayonnaise, a few drops of lemon juice, a few tablespoons of honey and some mustard in a bowl.
The Woodford dressing
Mix olive oil, balsamic vinegar, soy sauce and a few drops of sesame oil in a bowl.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
pointless thoughts
已经在中国有十个月了。 有什么思想呢? 也不错,着几个月学来的华文字,虽然不多,可是也比以前的水尊好。如过在努力下去,我相信一定能考的上一个 “O" level 的华文文凭。
I'm still steady on my focus; that is to beef up my Chinese and Korean. I'm now also going to add in a Project Management certificate to my repertoire. That's the only way to increase a salary, skills, constant training and constant education. A degree is not a good idea in this country. And I'm not really to keen to take an on-line degree.
I want to move somewhere exotic, at least to live in for a year at least. But having that said, it really isn't about the goal. It's about the journey. And I'm enjoying every bit of it.
I'm still steady on my focus; that is to beef up my Chinese and Korean. I'm now also going to add in a Project Management certificate to my repertoire. That's the only way to increase a salary, skills, constant training and constant education. A degree is not a good idea in this country. And I'm not really to keen to take an on-line degree.
I want to move somewhere exotic, at least to live in for a year at least. But having that said, it really isn't about the goal. It's about the journey. And I'm enjoying every bit of it.
not all bananas are born equal
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Friday, January 05, 2007
the poor men in korea....
From The Korea Times:
The number of husbands beaten by their wives is increasing as domestic violence increases in general.
The men's counseling service Men Hotline Kwanju branch says the number of cases of men being beaten by their spouses is increasing, but men are reluctant to show their scars.
The hotline said it had counseled more than 820 men suffering from family violence last year. The number was 793 in 2004, and 783 in 2005.
One of the callers said his wife had beaten him several times. He confessed the only reason he is putting up with her violence is not to hurt his children's feelings, and added that he is waiting for the children to go to university and stand on their own before suing for divorce.
Another said that he was beaten for three years, but he couldn't do anything. He said he didn't want to break up the family and he thought that if his suffering was the only way to keep the couple together, he would take it.
Husband beating took place more often, and also became more vicious. The Korea Legal Aid Center for Family Relations surveyed 296 married men in 2005 and found that 59 suffered from verbal violence. Thirty-three experienced physical violence. Of those, five were threatened with weapons, four were strangled, and another four were sexually abused.
The reason for the violence used to be that men were unable to make sufficient money and women were not able to handle it. However, these days the reasons are more varied. As women become wage earners, their status in a family goes up and they begin expressing their complaints more aggressively.
According to the hotline, some women threw chairs, vacuum cleaners or even knives. In some cases, men were beaten with golf clubs.
However, many male victims are reluctant to report their injuries because they do not want to show their weakness. Also, the belief that men are the wrongdoers and women are the victims of domestic violence is widespread. The police estimated that a mere 3 percent of all cases are reported.
Lee Ok-yi, the director of the Korean Men hotline, said that though men might be stronger than women, they tend to endure the violence just as beaten women do.
She said that these men stand the pain for their children and to keep the family together. ``In most cases, the violence happens because there isn't much conversation between the two,'' she said, adding that the first thing a couple with a violence problem should do is to try talking to each other.
The number of husbands beaten by their wives is increasing as domestic violence increases in general.
The men's counseling service Men Hotline Kwanju branch says the number of cases of men being beaten by their spouses is increasing, but men are reluctant to show their scars.
The hotline said it had counseled more than 820 men suffering from family violence last year. The number was 793 in 2004, and 783 in 2005.
One of the callers said his wife had beaten him several times. He confessed the only reason he is putting up with her violence is not to hurt his children's feelings, and added that he is waiting for the children to go to university and stand on their own before suing for divorce.
Another said that he was beaten for three years, but he couldn't do anything. He said he didn't want to break up the family and he thought that if his suffering was the only way to keep the couple together, he would take it.
Husband beating took place more often, and also became more vicious. The Korea Legal Aid Center for Family Relations surveyed 296 married men in 2005 and found that 59 suffered from verbal violence. Thirty-three experienced physical violence. Of those, five were threatened with weapons, four were strangled, and another four were sexually abused.
The reason for the violence used to be that men were unable to make sufficient money and women were not able to handle it. However, these days the reasons are more varied. As women become wage earners, their status in a family goes up and they begin expressing their complaints more aggressively.
According to the hotline, some women threw chairs, vacuum cleaners or even knives. In some cases, men were beaten with golf clubs.
However, many male victims are reluctant to report their injuries because they do not want to show their weakness. Also, the belief that men are the wrongdoers and women are the victims of domestic violence is widespread. The police estimated that a mere 3 percent of all cases are reported.
Lee Ok-yi, the director of the Korean Men hotline, said that though men might be stronger than women, they tend to endure the violence just as beaten women do.
She said that these men stand the pain for their children and to keep the family together. ``In most cases, the violence happens because there isn't much conversation between the two,'' she said, adding that the first thing a couple with a violence problem should do is to try talking to each other.
Thursday, January 04, 2007
2007 : Must be to do
Goals :
Bring Chinese up to a read/write level
Bring Korean up to a conversational level
Keep marketing ideas wild
Write one good article each week
Keep in contact with friends more often, especially overseas ones
Know more people
Considerations :
Be on the look out to shift to a more civillized country.
Books : To read at least :
- xx books on marketing
- xx fictional articles
- Start each morning with BBC News
- Generate at least USD1000 each month on the side.
- Visit 3 new cities
- Trip to Europe in July
Bring Chinese up to a read/write level
Bring Korean up to a conversational level
Keep marketing ideas wild
Write one good article each week
Keep in contact with friends more often, especially overseas ones
Know more people
Considerations :
Be on the look out to shift to a more civillized country.
Books : To read at least :
- xx books on marketing
- xx fictional articles
- Start each morning with BBC News
- Generate at least USD1000 each month on the side.
- Visit 3 new cities
- Trip to Europe in July
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